Who We Are

PEI School Food Program Inc. is a not-for-profit organization responsible for the successful development and delivery of the school lunch program in public schools across Prince Edward Island.

Our Mission

Cultivate a healthy and inclusive food culture in Island schools.


  1. Grow student participation in healthy food programs in schools across the Island
  2. Become the primary food service model in public schools

How we carry out our mission:

  • Create, develop, and deliver leading healthy school food programs.
  • Partner on the development and delivery of food literacy curriculum.
  • Provide leadership and guidance to grow healthy school food environments.

Guiding Principles


We are welcoming to students and supportive of their physical, emotional and social well-being


We openly communicate and share information with partners and encourage positive public engagements


We bring people together through food and healthy food experiences


We aim to influence positive change in Island schools for the benefit of students, families and staff


We provide access and education for a stronger understanding of the importance of healthy food

Our Story

  • 2015

    The PEI Home and School Federation put forward a resolution for a "...universal free school lunch program"

  • 2017

    The Public Schools Branch received a grant to fund a School Food Coordinator position to conduct research, examine other jurisdictions and perform consultations

  • 2019

    The Provincial School Food Program appeared in the Premier's speech from the throne, and included in the mandate letters of the Minister of Education and the Minister of Agriculture

  • 2020

    The Public Schools Branch implemented a pilot program in 6 island schools to help inform a future island-wide program

  • March 2020

    The Government of PEI offered the COVID-19 Food Security Home Delivery Program to provide support to students during school closures

  • September 2020

    The PEI School Food Program was launched island-wide by the Government of PEI

  • July 2021

    The PEI School Food Program was transferred to 
    a newly formed non-profit organization 
    PEI School Food Program Inc.

  • July 2022

    PEI School Food Program had it's one year anniversary as a non-profit organization and delivered to Island students in the 2021 - 2022 School Year the following number of meals:

    • 431,000 meals in PSB schools
    • 48,000 in CSLF schools
    • 11,000 Grab & Go meals in Hubs
  • July 2023

    This school year 2022-23, PEI School Food Program Inc.opened 2 new School Food Hubs in Souris and Westisle and served to Island Students the following number of meals:

    • 600,000+ meals in PSB schools
    • 67,000 meals in CSLF schools
    • 58,000 Grab & Go meals in hubs
  • July 2024

    This school year 2023-24, PEI School Food Program Inc. opened 1 new School Food Hub in Bluefield High School and served to Island students the following number of meals:

    • 843,000 meals in PSB schools
    • 78,000 meals in CSLF schools
    • 65,000 Grab & Go meals in hubs